APPLICATION FEE(S): Electronic payment via credit or debit card |
SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER (SSN) | You must have a valid Social Security Number. You will not be able to complete the application without submitting your SSN. |
CITIZENSHIP/LEGAL PRESENCE: You must be a citizen or legal US resident | For information on meeting this requirement, please refer to the Citizenship/Legal Presence FAQs. You must complete and submit the appropriate form (see buttons at right) and supporting documentation to the Board. |
EDUCATION | You must have completed MAC education program approved by the ABN, or a substantially equivalent program in another state. |
TRANSCRIPT | You must request your program to submit an official transcript or certificate to the ABN in a sealed envelope or emailed. Faxed transcripts are not accepted. |
REGISTER WITH PEARSON VUE | Although Pearson Vue will allow registration for the MAC® without your submitting a middle name or Social Security Number (SSN), the ABN requires you to submit this information to Pearson Vue to ensure accurate processing (see button at right). The name on the ID you will use for testing should match your ABN and Pearson Vue registration. |
Regulatory Questions Video